He said criticisms that Brazil was protectionist were "a myth", and that a controversial reduction of quotas of cars imported from Mexico was an example of a legitimate "commercial defence measure". 他说,有关巴西“保护主义”的批评是“一个神话”,而减少从墨西哥进口汽车配额的有争议做法,只不过是正当“商务防御措施”的一个实例。
The establishment of a scientific and effective risk early-warning model of commercial banks is an important measure to prevent the risks. 建立一个科学、有效的商业银行风险预警模型,是有效防范、化解商业银行风险的重要措施。
By using a laboratory micro-pyrolysis system that can simulate the olefin yields of commercial pyrolysis units and measure the coke deposit, the pyro-lysis of hydrogenated light diesel fraction of Fushun shale oil has been studied with the light olefin yields estimated and the coking tendency evaluated. 用微型热解设备模拟工业管式裂解炉裂解的典型产物分布、考察了抚顺页岩轻柴油加氢生成油的裂解性能,预测了作为裂解原料的主要轻质烯烃产率,并对其结焦趋向作了估计。
Rapid development of global economy becomes endless drive to financial innovation, new financial product and dealing forms emerge continually, needing commercial banks to identify, measure and manage internal and external risks accurately, and to match the risk and return; 全球经济的高速发展成为金融创新的不竭动力,新的金融产品、交易形式不断涌现,要求商业银行必须准确识别、计量和管理内外部风险,实现风险与收益的配比;
According to practice and development of banking's credit risk management, it is that management and outside supervise the need of development inside the commercial bank to measure the credit risks. 从银行业信用风险管理的实践与发展来看,测算信用风险是商业银行内部管理和外部监管发展的需要。
The paper establishing the risk measurement model of interest rate of commercial bank using the econometric and financial knowledge. Further more, this paper measure the risk of actual data by the method analysis and simulation. 本文利用和现代计量理论和金融工程理论,建立商业银行的利率风险度量模型,并运用了分析方法和模拟方法对实际数据进行了风险度量。
Commercial bank and the financial supervision institution around the world begin to take measure to control the risk of intermediary business. 于是各个国家商业银行及其金融监管机构纷纷着手对中间业务风险的控制。
Excessive debits not only cause enterprises to increase much interest, but also influence commercial banks 'assets and raise financial risk. If a new measure is not carried out, many state-owned enterprises and commercial banks will be bankrupted. 过高的资产负债率不仅给企业增加了大额的利息负担,使部分企业陷入了债务困境,而且也影响了商业银行的资产质量,增大了金融风险。
Secondly, this paper construct commercial bank credit risk measure modal through advanced evaluating method of foreign countries. And from the reality of our country, this paper design feasible method to measure the loan risk degree. 然后,本文试图借鉴国外先进的信用风险评估方法,构造我国银行信用风险度量模型,并且从我国实际出发,设计了测定贷款风险度的可行方法,为信用风险管理建立了科学的基础。
It has been proven that improving the airtightness of the distillation system used for commercial furfural production is the effective measure to achieve and stabilize the low moisture content of the final products. 研究表明提高精制系统的气密性是降低并稳定成品合格水分的基本措施;采用二槽阶梯式粗醛高位槽可以提高脱水塔的操作稳定性,从而提高成品水分含量的稳定性。
Then the paper expounds the overseas commercial space environment renews practice, method, measure and the renewal transformation model significance to the commercial public space environment of our country city. 并阐述了国外商业空间环境更新的实践、方法与措施;及其对我国城市商业公共空间环境更新改造的借鉴意义。
First, the commercial banks should measure the risk. This chapter introduces three methods of measurement in western commercial banks, i.e., sensitive gap analysis, duration analysis and the value at risks. 首先对利率风险进行度量,主要介绍了西方商业银行常用的三种度量方法,即敏感性缺口分析、持续期缺口分析和风险价值分析法。
Commercial Reputation Accounting in Merger of Enterprises How to keep and measure the commercial reputation is a challenge and also a good opportunity, which is also the theme of discussing in accounting field. 企业购并中商誉会计核算因而并购前提下商誉及其计量问题将面临重大的挑战和机遇,如何迎接这种挑战和把握这种机遇将是业界探讨的主要课题。
We should perfect the index system of performance evaluation and the method of commercial bank in order to provide effective information measure and management forecast for its business. 应从完善商业银行绩效评价指标体系和绩效评价方法入手,为商业银行经营管理提供有效的信息测度和经营预测。
It analyses the method used by western commercial bank about how to recognize, measure and manage the interest-rate risk. 对西方商业银行利率风险的识别、度量及管理方法进行了全面的分析。
At this stage, exchange rate risk has caused our great concern. How to control and guard against exchange rate risk effectively in the risk management of commercial banks becomes more important, the premise of which is to measure and predict risk exactly. 现阶段汇率风险已引起各方的高度关注,如何控制和有效防范汇率风险在我国商业银行风险管理中的作用日益突出,而控制和有效防范风险的前提是准确地度量和预测风险。
By the theoretical analysis and commercial test, hydraulic extrusion measure is demonstrated to have extensive adaptability, availability and security to rapid excavation in seam gateway with outburst potential. 通过本文的理论分析和现场工业试验证明了水力挤出措施对突出煤层煤巷快速掘进具有广泛的适应性、有效性和安全性。
The existing commercial instruments for thermal property measurement can not be used to measure thermal property of thin films of thickness under 1 micron for the time being. 然而,现有的商用热物性测试仪器还难以测试厚度小于1μm的薄膜。
Accordance with the main line to carry out research work, that: the research summary of commercial bank core competence and risk management-Evaluation index Measure-correlation model-the action mechanism-strategic proposals. 按照商业银行核心能力与风险管理的研究综述评价指标测度关联模型作用机理策略建议的主线开展研究工作。
And the paper also points out that, it is feasible for Chinese commercial banks to measure the Probability of Default by using KMV Model. 并指出,我国商业银行利用KMV模型测算上市公司借款人的违约率具有可行性。
Therefore, this paper holds that commercial banks can use this approach to dynamically measure the economic capital of the retail loan portfolio in the basis of the existing data. 本文认为我国商业银行可以在现有零售业务数据信息基础上,运用该方法更精确地计量零售贷款组合的经济资本。
This chapter in the second stage of the SFA model introduced risk factors index-bad loans and capital adequacy ratio, and the risk of commercial bank after adjusting the efficiency measure value. 本章在第二阶段SFA模型中引入风险因素指标-不良贷款率与资本充足率,并对风险调整后的商业银行效率值进行测度。
So modern commercial clusters which is used to measure the level of local economic development has become an increasingly important weight, and has become an important symbol of the modern economy. 在这样的大趋势中,现代化商业集群在衡量地方经济发展水平上占据越来越重要的作用,已成为现代国民经济的一个重要支柱。
In order to realize the scientific and overall management of risk, it is becoming more important for the commercial banks to study the combination of the status of our credit risk measure. 为更科学地实现商业银行全面风险管理,加强对信用风险度量的研究就显得尤为重要。
Digital signal processor ( DSP) is a kind of high performance CPU, which processes signal and image real-time. It is widely applied to communications, domestic appliance, aviation and spaceflight, commercial measure, biomedical engineering and military affairs. 数字信号处理器(DSP)是对信号和图像进行实时处理的一类高性能的CPU,它广泛应用于通信、家用电器、航空航天、工业测量、生物医学工程及军事等领域。
Finally, I cite the situation of several state-owned commercial banks in the internal ratings-based approach. ( 2) Measure credit risk in Internal Ratings-Based approach. 最后,提出了国内综合实力较强时国有商业银行在内部评级法的探索和运用中的情况。(2)运用内部评级法对信用风险进行计量。
That is to say, commercial banks and enterprises can adopt this method to measure the exchange rate risk of this portfolio. They can also reserve funds to deal with the risk or take steps to avoid risk according to these VaR values. 商业银行和企业可以考虑利用此方法来度量这对组合的风险,然后根据计算的VaR值来储备资金或者采取措施规避风险。
During the daily operations, the most important risk that the commercial banks need to measure, monitor and control is the credit risk. 在日常经营过程中,商业银行需要衡量、监控并加以有效管理的最主要的风险就是信贷风险。
We will establish a composite index which indicates commercial banking system stability using factor analysis method, and then measure the stability of commercial banking system in China. 本文将利用因子分析法构建商业银行体系稳定性综合指数,度量我国商业银行体系的稳定性水平。
The section defines the VAR and draws the attention of commercial banks to the selection of two factors when they adopt VAR model to measure the interest rate risk of personal financial products. The two factors are time interval and confidence level. 阐述了VAR的含义,指出了商业银行在运用VAR模型衡量个人理财产品的利率风险时,要注意两个因素的选取:一是时间间隔,二是置信水平。